Angle Up

The Ambitious Outsider

The Ambitious Outsider

One night on the corner of Bleecker and Macdougal in New York City a quote from a Melvin Van Peebles documentary inspired me to begin a journey that would take me around the world. 

After a few sketches, technical drawings, factory searches and two prototypes, The Ambitious Outsider hit the streets.

I didn’t see the type of movie I wanted to see so I made it myself.
— Melvin Van Peebles


Some movie goers wear discard their 3D glasses after the show, not me. I would tuck them into my pants pockets
and smuggle out any extra pairs I could. As an adult I was always hoping to find a pair of glasses just like 3D glasses.
A pair that was both Retro and Modern. A perfect blend of Retro-Futurism.


I began the beginning if my design like I have so many other drawings, in my sketchbook.
From here i worked out what shape I was looking for. What curves were acceptable.
Then I moved onto the technical drawing.


After my initial drawing was complete I completed a technical drawings so I could effectively communicate my vision to the factory.


Finally after 5 long years of drawing, refining the final product has arrived.