Angle Up

Crash | Crash drawings and paintings by Woody Batts


This series is inspired by my childhood memories of growing up in Florida during the 1980s. My father was a car salesman who, at that time, dealt in exotic cars such as Ferraris, Porsches and Jaguars. I still vividly remember the dealership where he worked - in the front were those shiny, gleaming cars with soft supple leather and behind the dealership, there were wrecked, granarled and shattered exotic cars.

It was quite a contrast to see those beautiful cars in the front, and the destroyed ones in the back. The irony of the situation was not lost on me, as I often reflect on the poetic symbolism of the wrecked sportscar. It was a stark reminder of the American Dream - something that was once beautiful, desirable and aspirational, now broken, destroyed and useless.



Mural Installation

Mural Detail

Mural Detail

Installation View

Installation View

Mural Detail

Mural Detail

Installation View



Crash #1

Crash #2